Simplifying KYC and AML for Web3 Applications

Lode protocols provide a seamless way to verify ID and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Trusted by fast-growing
companies around the world

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The only cost-effective, privacy-preserving KYC aggregator.

Lode Protocol offers KYC and AML checks for as low as 1 cent per API call, or for free when using publicly available data via our smart contract.

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Unlock seamless KYC integrationwith Lode Protocol.

Benefit from our one-click integration with multiple KYC providers

Insights at your fingertips

Insights at your fingertips

Analyze your KYC spending and performance in one place

Cost savings

Cost savings

Cut KYC costs by up to 99.9% with cached data and 10% with live data.

World-wide coverage

World-wide coverage

Global coverage through integration with leading KYC providers.

APIs integration

Simplifies integration with easy-to-use APIs

It takes less than 30 minutes to fully integrate our KYC solution - no SDK needed.

Enhanced privacy

Enhanced user privacy and security

Control data access limits and revoke permissions effortlessly.


Find the answers that you need

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

What is Lode Protocol?
Lode Protocol is a blockchain-based KYC and AML solution that enables seamless user verification and privacy-preserving authentication across multiple applications.
How does Lode Protocol ensure privacy?
What are the benefits of using Lode Protocol?
What is the cost of using Lode Protocol?
Which KYC providers does Lode Protocol support?
How long is the KYC credential valid?
Can users revoke access to their data?
How does Lode Protocol help developers?

Ready to take Lode Protocol for a spin?

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See where financial automation can take your business.
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